Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Quirks and Other Quiddities

Well hello hello, is it Wednesday already? It's time for my mid-week post! Today I bring you... ta ta-da DA! QUIRKS!

What is a quirk, or quiddity, really? It's something that one does that is perhaps a little odd or unusual, something that is not quite normal behaviour, but which one makes part of one's own everyday life.

This one's quirks include:

  • Using different voices for the heck of it, at any point in time, according to this one's mood - baby voice, bad French accent voice, creepy butler voice, Igor voice, posh voice, growling voice, and the list goes on and on and on...
  • Hand-dancing whenever this one is riding passenger in the car with this one's mother - the dorkier the movements, the better the hand-dancing! [Of course!]
  • Having conversations with this one's mother and brother in mm-mm language - replace all known words with 'mm', use various tones and pitches to express different meanings, et voila! A conversation only the two [or three] of you can understand! [This one's brother hasn't participated in this for some years now and has probably lost the knack.]
  • Squealing 'DOGGY!' at the sight of any canine that comes into view.
  • Speaking in a squeaky syruppy goo-goo voice to all furry creatures and having a one-sided conversation along the lines of 'Oooh so fuzzy! Who's so fuzzy? SO CUTE! I want to squish you! SQUISH! Eat your ears! NOM! Such a pretty baby, awwww googoogoo!' and increasing in inanity until this one's companions point out that people are starting to give strange looks...
  • Making popping sounds with this one's lips at random intervals throughout the day, particularly when bored or concentrating. [*Pop!*]
  • Separating this one's hair into sections, feeling the entire length of each curl, and shifting curls from one side to the other when bored.
  • Acting out all characters in a story or anecdote this one is telling, thereby royally confusing the audience.
  • Pulling faces at children in cars or who look particularly bored, until they smile.
  • Reverting into baby voice, goo-goo talk and silliness when trying to catch sight of neighbouring cats
  • Randomly taking on a persona when writing, such as 'this one', out of sheer amusement.

And what quirky quiddities do you exhibit, dear readers? Post below! I don't bite! I promise...

Macs, 'this one'

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